Heirloom Highlight: Silver Foil and Coral Letterpress Wedding Invitations by Sincerely, Jackie

As a designer, I like to think that I've already dreamed about every color and print combination for every single one of my designs. But truth be told, my clients never fail to come up with stunning combinations that I hadn't thought of. When I was contacted about creating the Bourne Glam design with silver foil and coral letterpress, my inner designer was all "Oh my goodness, that's stunning! I hadn't thought of that combination but yes, yes, yes!!".

This invitation was printed on house select 110lb bright white cotton paper, which perfectly set the stage for the silver foil and beautiful coral letterpress. We wanted to tie the coral in for the information cards, so we digitally printed small cards on a metallic shimmer paper. The cards perfectly matched the coral letterpress, and featured the couples name and frame design on the front, with their website information on the back. What a perfect way to tie the whole suite together!

You can now order a sample of these silver and coral Bourne Glam invitations right here in the shop. I'd love to see what incredible color combinations you'd got in mind!

Do you love hearing about recent Sincerely, Jackie design work as Heirloom Highlight features? For more wedding invitations, custom design work, and stationery design, click here to catch up on past Heirloom Highlights!
