Coffee Date: A Few Of My Favorite Things

The past few weeks have been busy, busy, busy and I'm finding it more and more challenging to keep up with blogging. But I'm forging ahead and don't have any plans of stopping! I love hearing from all of you and how much the information I share is helping you navigate through your own journeys.
Today for our coffee date I want to share a few of my favorite things. I'm an incredibly loyal person when it comes to the products I love. Once I find something that works for me, I tend to buy it in every available variation, and use it until it's a sad excuse of it's original self. It reminds me of what's left of my childhood blankie - a few scraps of fabric tied together in itty-bitty knots. When I love something, I love something.
Here are a few things I'm loving lately.

1- Whish Body Butter is new to my beauty routine and I really adore it's delicate lavender scent and how smooth it makes my skin feel. I'm not usually a big fan of fragrance, but this one is so soft and refreshing. I've already got a huge bottle on my desk, and a few smaller ones scattered around the house.
2- Ugg Winter Boots. It took me a while to get into the Ugg thing. I think they're hideous, I hate the way they are made, and I don't like how costly they are. But they are so, so, so comfortable and I haven't found anything that remotely compares. I live in my Ugg slippers and received the winter boots for Christmas this year. We've had a rough winter here in New York and I already can't image how I lived m life without these before.
3- DIY Pin Board. If you follow me on Instagram you know I've been wanted to put a giant pin board in my office. I've pinned this tutorial and this tutorial, and my husband surprised me yesterday by doing the entire thing for me. He didn't follow either tutorial exactly, because he likes to MacGyver everything, but I have to admit that the board he made me is incredible! I can't wait to share photos!
4- NAP Blanket (or NAP anything). I think a NAP pillow or blanket has made it to every one of my love lists. Ever. My best friend gave me a NAP pillow 6 years ago and it became my favorite pillow ever. I literally cannot sleep with any other pillow. A few years ago the pillows were discontinued, but then THEY CAME BACK! AND I ORDERED five of them! NAP lovers spoke up, Brookestone heard, and the NAP line is now larger than ever. I love the blankets as much as I love the pillows. They're fluffy, warm, cuddly, and I have four of them. Yes. Four blankets and over five pillows. That's how great they are.
Do you have anything you simply cannot live without?
Come back every Thursday for a coffee (or tea!) date. During our coffee dates, I let my hair down and chat a bit more personally about whatever's on my mind, as if we were old friends catching up over a cup of java at the local coffee house. See you next week!